This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Italy songs
1) The fine peasant plants the (broad) beans,
when he plants it, he plants it in this way.
He plants it a bit, then he has a rest,
then he puts his hands in this way.
Hurrah Bacchus!
2)The fine peasants pulls off the beans,
when he pulls off it, he pulls off it in this way.
He pulls off it a bit, then he has a rest,
then he puts his hands in this way.
He plants it in this way
he pulls off it in this way.
Then he puts his hands in this way.
Hurrah Bacchus!
3)The fine peasants shells the beans,
when he shells it, he shells it in this way.
He shells it a bit, then he has a rest,
then he puts his hands in this way.
He plants it in this way,
he pulls off it in this way,
he shells it in this way.
Then he puts his hands in this way.
Hurrah Bacchus!
4)The fine peasants cooks the beans,
when he cooks it, he cooks it in this way.
He cooks it a bit, then he has a rest,
then he puts his hands in this way.
He plants it in this way,
he pulls off it in this way,
he shells it in this way,
he cook it in this way.
Then he puts his hands in this way.
Hurrah Bacchus!
5)The fine peasants eatss the beans,
when he eatss it, he eats it in this way.
He eats it a bit, then he has a rest,
then he puts his hands in this way.
He plants it in this way,
he pulls off it in this way,
he shells it in this way,
he cook it in this way,
he eats it in this way.
Then he puts his hands in this way.
Hurrah Bacchus!
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